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I am Alex Spiller
your personal sport coach

Share some smiles, Alex Spiller, your personal live and online surf coach

I was born and raised in Bielefeld, Germany (Contrary to popular believe, it does exist). My parents got me into swimming classes when I was one year old. I guess that´s where my love for water started.

My field of interest is pretty wide. I dabble in a lot of things: reading, skiing, painting, surfing, writing, snowboarding, biking, woodworking, skateboarding to name a few. The list is long.

I like to do things wholeheartedly. Once I´ve made up my mind to do something I practice and train a lot. My objective is to get better at it and improve my skills, so I can really enjoy them.

​I am extremely interested in how things work. The further I investigate I come to understand how and why certain movements are more effective than others. I put effort into recognizing patterns to apply solutions appropriately for effectiveness and efficiency.

I pay close attention to detail and think about ways to teach unconventionally. Teaching or coaching an activity that I like allows me to immerse myself even deeper into the understanding of it.

By supporting people in their endeavour to acquire new skills, I in return learn something new myself every single time.

I get excited when I meet someone who is stoked to progress in something or pick up a new potential passion.

I want to be there, support and help as much as I can.

Share some smiles, personal surf coach Alex Spiller, waxing the board in California

I love traveling and trying new things. My general curiosity paired with drive, focus and determination are helpful tools to keep my mind open to new ideas and creative input from all sorts of directions. I tend to explore the edges of my comfort zone and find out how I can generate new experiences. My love for the outdoors and physical interaction with the forces of nature lead me to wonderful places in this world.

My proficiency in surfing, together with my instructing experience in various areas, plus my academic background with two degrees in sport science, make me confident, that

my input will be beneficial to your development!

Share some smiles, surf coach Alex explaining surf theory

I am really stoked about this and happy to find out where this will go.

Come find out with me and let us

share some smiles


For more Information, stories, tips and tricks

check out the Share Your Smiles Blog

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